Monday, October 5, 2009

Be Aware of Your Breast

Good mid-day Beautiful Bosom's,

So while I am sitting in Panera Bread Company, I just remembered that October is a very special month.


Please be sure to get involved in any walks or runs in a city near you as well as volunteering, donating, and anything to lend a helping hand to support this cause.

Let us blossom together


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Black Beauty In Africa?? No Savannah, GA

When I saw this photograph of my dear friend I immediately ask her if I could use it for the site. She asked me if I was serious, lol, YES! Ladies this photo is absolutely a work of art. She is truly a Beautiful Bosom taking the storm head on. Literally this photo was taken while a storm was coming.

Truly breath taking....ahhhhh :)

Doesn't this look like Africa or somewhere exotic? Well it is Savannah, GA.

Healthbeat-Triple Negative

So My Girl Told Me...

Good evening Beautiful Bosom's. How is that progress coming along? Well I wanted to inform you ladies on something that my girlfriend educated me on today at dinner. We were talking about what my next post should be about and she asked me had I ever heard of "triple negative"? Never had I heard of this before...what are you thinking this is ladies? Well it is a rare form of breast cancer that effects young African-American women and women of African descent.

Let me educate you while I educate myself.

I URGE YOU to view this link to read about triple negative breast cancer and to learn about a black woman that is living with it daily.

This is not something to take lightly. I want you to take care of your Beautiful Bosom's. So continue to get your regular check ups. This preventative behavior will catch something as bad as AAA- before it spirals out of control. It is also important that you stay up on educating yourself on the health factors that our population is struggling with on a day-to-day basis. If you don't know then no one will tell you. So please take the time out to read the health section of your Essence magazine and your newspapers. The dissemination of this information is pertinent to our longevity in this world.

Let us continue to blossom together.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Turn On Your Feel Good Music

Yes ladies...I couldn't leave you for the night just yet. I was playing around on the blog trying to get things all prim and proper when I discovered that I can put music on here! YESs lol. So of course me being the self-proclaimed soul-tress that I am you know that I had to put a nice mix of Jilly from Philly on the spot. Something about her music just makes you feel sexy and relaxed. So go on ladies...while you are laying it down for the night be sure to light your candles, dim the lights, and sip your wine or hot tea, whatever your preference and contemplate about your next move in life.

Peace Beautiful Bosom's

First Things First: Getting Your Mind Right and Finding Your Beautiful Bosom

When I put it out in the nation that I was going to and wanted to start up a blog that focuses on black woman's health and their inner beauty I never thought that I would get the few responses that I did. I am grateful for that. Not only do I want this blog to be informative on health tips, I want to be able to bring it full circle and discuss all of the attributes that formulate the Beautiful Bosom. I know that some of my ladies out there are wondering what a Beautiful Bosom is and I am here to define that as the inner you.

Moving right along...

Ladies, I thought that it would only be appropriate to begin this blog with an inhale exhale moment...breathe in...and breathe out. This is the first thing that we should do to get our minds and bodies on one accord. Free yourself from all of your unnecessary worries and begin to work on the inner YOU! I ask you what it is that you want to accomplish sooner than later?

Let us begin to set goals for ourselves. Weight loss, hair maintenance, financial stability, your walk with Christ, dumping bad habits (unworthy men lol), and many more "get right" factors play a large role in accomplishing our Beautiful Bosom's. Please believe that these are all things that can be achieved, all you have to do is believe in yourself.

Ladies let us blossom together to conquer our Beautiful Bosom's.

I will be back to give you more on the next go round. In the meantime feel free to hit me up with discussion topics @
